A subscription to Juicy Kush allows you to receive as many products at a consistent frequency you choose. This way, you never run out of your favorite products. When you subscribe to any product, you receive 30% Off + FREE Shipping on all recurring subscription orders over $75!
First things first, please note that you are not obligated to subscribe to Juicy Kush when making a purchase. You can purchase products individually or opt-in and subscribe. By default, you are not subscribed to Juicy Kush. In order to subscribe, simply choose the subscribe option on the product page, or check the subscribe checkbox on the cart page.
Once you have subscribed, you will be in complete control of your subscription. You can change the products you receive, the frequency you receive them or even your next subscription renewal date at anytime. In addition, you can update your address, cancel your subscription, or skip a shipment at anytime simply by logging into your account.
When purchasing a subscription, you still need to create an account. Simply use the email address used to place your order and create a password.
Still have questions? Shoot us an email at support@shopjuicykush.com and we can help!