Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil

Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil

hemp oil vs cbd oil

So often, we see hemp oil and CBD oil being marketed alongside one another. To the naked eye, these products look almost identical; to those who know nothing about cannabis, these products might as well be the same. But this is simply incorrect. 

Hemp oil and CBD oil are completely different products, and they must be treated as such. Below, we’ve broken down the definition of hemp oil and the definition of CBD oil to help you clearly see the differences between these two special products. 

Defining Hemp Oil

When you see hemp oil on the shelves of your local health and wellness store, this is an oil that has been extracted exclusively from the seeds of the hemp plant (check out this article about what hemp is to learn more). Also called hempseed oil, this oil has been largely accepted in the health and wellness industry for its myriad benefits both on the skin and in the body. 

Hemp oil can be enjoyed both topically and orally, meaning you have the choice of either rubbing a hemp-based product directly into your skin or placing a few drops right into your favorite meal. This type of oil is extremely versatile and works well added to practically any substance. Nowadays, you’ll find hempseed oil within your shampoos, face washes, and all-time favorite recipes. But why?

Benefits of Hemp Oil

As you can probably guess, hempseed oil can be greatly beneficial to the skin. As we’re discovering this more and more, products are being sold left and right that include hemp oil as an active, prominent ingredient. 

When applied to the skin, the hemp exhibits anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, moisturizing, and oil regulating properties. Hemp oil is unique in that provides your skin with serious levels of moisturization, though it doesn’t clog the pores. Instead, it works to regulate your skin’s natural sebum production, helping to prevent acne while simultaneously hydrating skin. 

With its anti-inflammatory effects, skin products with hemp oil have been known to significantly reduce redness. Hemp contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that works to nourish the skin and slow signs of aging. 

When consumed orally, you’re able to experience a whole different range of benefits. Hemp oil is packed full of nutrients that your body will love, especially when paired with other beneficial ingredients. Full of fatty acids, protein, and various vitamins, hempseed oil is a perfect boost of added nourishment. 

Defining CBD Oil 

Now, let’s talk about CBD oil. While hemp oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant, CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, stalks, and leaves of the hemp or marijuana plant. CBD stands for cannabidiol which is a non-psychoactive chemical compound found within the cannabis plant genus. 

The CBD is directly extracted from the plant and typically paired with carrier oils, like coconut or MCT oil, to help deliver the product. CBD oil, like hemp oil, can be applied topically or directly consumed, though for slightly different reasons than hemp oil. You can find different types of CBD oil, such as full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate, which indicates whether or not the CBD is paired with other cannabinoids and terpenes. 

Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil is relied on for a myriad of different reasons. From pain relief to internal balance and help with sleeping, CBD oil has been shown to have comprehensive benefits for all types of complications. 

CBD works directly with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a system full of cannabinoid receptors that help regulate various biological functions throughout the body. When consumed, the CBD molecules work with these receptors, either producing or inhibiting the production of certain molecules and enzymes to help give your body just what it needs. If you have too many stress molecules, for example, CBD will work to help inhibit the production of such enzyme, naturally lowering your stress levels and helping you feel more balanced. 

Many people rely on both the consumption and topical application of CBD to experience all-natural pain relief and reduced inflammation. Consuming CBD for such purposes will result in more full-bodied, relaxing pain relief, while applying topically results in more concentrated, targeted pain relief as the CBD directly focuses on the pores it’s being absorbed into. Both methods, however, have been said to bring serious comfort. 

Others may turn to CBD oil for assistance with sleep, mood enhancement, help with motivation, and so much more. Like hemp oil, you can add your CBD into your meals or apply it topically, but you can also choose to place a few drops directly under your tongue for quicker, more potent results. Vaping CBD oil is also an option, though vaping hemp oil definitely is not. 

Using the Correct Terminology 

At first glance, these two oils may seem similar, but when directly compared, it is easy to see that hemp oil and CBD oil are two very different substances. Switching up the two can be quite harmful, as their uses and benefits can be for individualistic purposes.

When talking about hemp or hemp seed oil, make sure you’re referring to the oil that’s come exclusively from hemp seeds. This is the extract that many choose to add to beauty products, skincare, and meals for benefits; it should not be smoked. Hemp oil, though it may seem obvious, can also only be extracted from the hemp plant, while that’s not necessarily the case for CBD oil. 

CBD oil, as we established, can come from both hemp and marijuana. When discussing or looking for CBD oil, you may come across options that contain other cannabinoids like THC, so ensure that you’re comfortable with consuming the cannabis plant’s phytochemicals. 

Final Thoughts

No matter which you’re trying to buy, using the correct terminology is key in getting the product that you want. While hemp oil and CBD oil may appear to be the same product, each one is unique and beneficial in its own ways and deserve to be treated as such. 

Remember, CBD and hemp oil do not equate to one another; so, next time you’re looking for brand-new hemp oil for your recipes or CBD oil for your aches and pains, make sure you’re picking out the perfect product for you.