CBD and the Elderly

CBD and the Elderly

elderly man holding cane


When you think about cannabis and its targeted demographics, you don’t often think of the elderly. Traditionally, older generations have shown more prominent opposition to cannabis use of any kind, including hemp products, simply because of the times they grew up in. However, opinions are starting to shift. 

Now more than ever, elderly populations are trying CBD for the first time and with wide-open arms, too. From the benefits they’ve found to how easy CBD is to use, we’re talking about the ins and outs of the elderly and their emerging relationship with cannabidiol. 

Erasing the Stigma

Younger generations in the United States have been more accepting and welcoming of cannabis legalization than any other demographic. The support isn’t surprising: younger adults did not grow up with the same negative stigmas that older generations did. Thus, there never was this idea of Reefer Madness or impending insanity breaks. Instead, millennials, from the start, have been able to see the potential of cannabis and its compounds like CBD. This simply hasn’t always been the case for the elderly. 

From the early 1900s to about the 90s, the US government harshly demonized the cannabis plant. Incorrect, exaggerated information about the plant was coming out left and right, leaving people all across the US terrified of both hemp and marijuana. These scare tactics were overwhelmingly successful, and the cultivation of the plant in the country was criminalized and very harshly punished— especially for POC. 

Though it took decades, opinions finally started to change on hemp once researchers could thoroughly prove the science behind the beneficial attributes. While this was convincing for younger people who hadn’t heard otherwise, erasing the idea that this plant was dangerous for the elderly proved to be a whole new challenge. After all, this new science directly went against everything they had been taught about cannabis and its derivatives. 

Thankfully, as more and more information is released about CBD specifically, it’s becoming clearer for these older populations that cannabinoids like these may be far more helpful than the government ever led on.

CBD and the Elderly: How it Can Help

As we’ve learned more about CBD specifically, researchers are beginning to understand its effects on various parts of the body. For those in more at-risk or vulnerable demographics—like the elderly—CBD shows incredible potential benefits. 

One of CBD’s most apparent characteristics is its anti-inflammatory properties. Essentially, CBD works with the most inflamed parts of your body to lower inflammation and even regulate pain response. This combination creates a much lower amount of pain, providing legitimate relaxation in the body. For the elderly who are more prone to chronic pain, this can be life-changing. Many older people have regained their ability to move freely, perform exercises, and complete their daily tasks without pain holding them back after consuming CBD. 

Along with easing everyday aches and pains, elderly populations may benefit significantly from CBD’s valuable neurological properties. Multiple studies have found that cannabinoids like CBD work to combat the very factors that cause neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. It seems as though the cannabinoids in cannabis work to eliminate the proteins causing buildups in the brain. Of course, this is not a full-on treatment, but CBD’s therapeutic value can make the difference between managing your disorders and not. 

For elderly populations, digestive upset causing chronic nausea can be incredibly harmful. However, taking medications to reduce nausea can also put the elderly at risk, creating a tricky situation. Thankfully, CBD is a well-known anti-nausea that many older generations have found solace in. Because CBD doesn’t have any dangerous side effects, elderly populations can enjoy it with ease and confidence. From appetite stimulation to reducing stomach cramps and practically everything in between, CBD works beautifully to get every digestive system working and feeling as it should. 

CBD’s Ease and Accessibility 

Of course, people turn to CBD for so many different reasons. But, for the elderly, the ease and accessibility factor of cannabidiol is exceptionally appealing. 

For a long time, there was a massive misconception that cannabis and its compounds had to be enjoyed through smoking. This cut out a vast portion of the everyday population, as many of us cannot smoke or damage the lungs in that way. However, there are other ways to consume CBD hence even older generations have access to CBD-infused edibles, drinks, lotions, oils, even transdermal patches. Not to mention, the US government legalized hemp a few years ago, making it easier than ever to find the perfect CBD products. 

As we mentioned briefly above, CBD doesn’t come with substantial risk factors, especially for the elderly. Older demographics have more limited treatment options, but CBD’s gentle effects and accessibility make it an elderly person’s dream. With the ability to purchase CBD online through sites like TerraVita, getting your hands on your favorite products are practically effortless, too. 

If you’re curious about where your CBD products are coming from, any good brand will provide third-party lab-test results to prove what’s in your product, how the company made it, and whether it is right for you. Always check out these results before purchasing online to ensure ultimate confidence. With these results, you know your CBD is exactly what you need. 

CBD for Every Person, Every Demographic 

Right now, the United States is seeing more older adults vote in favor of cannabis legalization than ever before. With this newfound acceptance has come a surge in CBD popularity for these older generations, as they’re finally discovering a product that not only works but doesn’t make them feel like a shell of themselves, either. Instead, CBD’s proving to be an incredible option for older people looking to enjoy their days and not let their age control them. 

Here at TerVita, we make CBD for every person and every demographic. Whether you’ve been a fan of hemp all your life or your interest has just now been piqued, we’re here to help you find the CBD product of your dreams. No matter your age, let CBD be the boost you need to feel like yourself again.